Privacy Policy, Processing owner
Business Name: Bagni Albatros Di Villa Francesco e C. – S.a.s.
Registered Office: Via Aurelia, 58/A – 17024 Varigotti (SV)
Tax code (VAT): IT01127300091
Certified electronic mail (PEC):
Registry Office: Camera di Commercio di Savona
The Data Processor of your personal data is the Legal Representative.
Data processing related to the web services of Albatros Beach website takes place at the site of the partner who manages the institution website and is undertaken solely by the technical staff of the Data Processing Office, or by possible outsourcers in the case of occasional or periodic technical operations (e.g. DB maintenance).
Albatros Beach (hereinafter referred to as “Albatros”), considers the privacy of its users to be of the utmost importance and thus guarantees that the processing of personal information collected via its website will be undertaken in full respect of the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity, of the persons concerned, with particular reference to personal privacy, personal identity and the right to personal data protection. In this respect, Albatros has adopted and implemented a Privacy Policy for all areas of its website management that involve the processing of the personal data of its users. This privacy statement is drafted in accordance with article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree 196/2003). We ask that you read carefully the following Privacy Policy and carefully review it, from time to time, to check for possible updates and/or amendments that may be deemed necessary.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, by “personal data”, as is best explained in Article 4 of the Code, we mean “any information relating to a natural or legal person, body or association, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, through reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.” This Privacy Policy shall be applied to personal data collected through the Albatros website and/or company electronic mailing system. It is furthermore extended to cover images (photos and/or video) that may be acquired during activities carried out by the Company, such as conventions, trade shows, meetings, training courses and/or other events. This Privacy Policy shall not be applied to websites owned by third parties, which may be accessed through hyperlinks, due to the fact that Albatros neither manages nor controls the contents of such websites. Through its website or electronic mailing system, Albatros may collect the following personal data: name, surname, home address, email address, telephone number, professional credentials, information collected merely for statistical purposes during the website viewing process, other information volunteered by the user through the online registration process or by filling out specific fields and/or forms found on the website.
Users can access different sections of the website without providing any personal data. Albatros collects personal data through its own website or electronic mailing system; data processing is mostly automated, and is carried out in the following ways:
1. Data volunteered by the user. Albatros collects personal data and other information that is provided through registration forms or inserted into website information fields, as well as that sent to the Company by email. Such data may include information necessary in order to provide certain services (e.g. newsletters) and/or to contact the interested person (such as name, email address, telephone number etc.)
2. Browser data collected through the use of digital tools. The computer systems and software designed for the Albatros website collect, during their normal use, various forms of personal data whose transmission is implicit to the use of Internet communication protocols (such as user IP address or the domain name of the computer used to access the website, the URI of the resources requested, the hour of the request or the length of the session, the method used to submit the query to the server, the size of the file received in reply to the request, the numerical code concerning the status of the reply given by the server and other types of information regarding the operating system and the computing environment of the user). The Albatros website use technologies such as cookies to collect and/or transmit personal user data.
3. Any images acquired during company events will be stored in the Company computer archives and may be published and/or broadcast in any form on the website and/or in other forms of communication (social network, publications, fliers, press, etc.).